Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sasha at 6 weeks!

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Baby Sasha at 6 weeks old... revealing her precious little belly button for the very first time!

Chubby legs, knee dimples, & a new belly button... Oh my!!! (Gosh, I love those knee dimples!)

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And... (drumroll, please)... Sasha SMILES!!! This is one of her very first smiles! She has so many different smiles, and I love them all... :)

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Here's a better idea of what Sasha's hair looks like- but in person it looks a little lighter. Michael, his bio kids, my siblings, and I were all blonde as kids... so we are predicting that Sasha will end up with blonde hair too. Either way, her hair is SO soft that I can't help but touch it all the time! She is such a sweetie... more 6 week photos and video of her smiles to come!

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