Monday, October 6, 2008

Dear Sasha (4 weeks old)

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My Darling Sasha,

Today, you are already 4 weeks old... you are growing so quickly already, and more beautiful with each day. I took this photo of us last week, and I really must get Daddy to take some better photos of us soon. I only wish I could capture every moment of life with you... you are so tiny, but so very amazing.

Everything about you is precious... your little hands and feet, your kissable cheeks, your new little belly button, and especially your sweet little leggies- already showing signs of chubby rolls! And you have the softest hair- it's feels like silk. Recently, you have started to spend more of your time awake, and you love to look at me (I love that)... I talk to you and sing you the "I Love Sasha" song while we look at each other. I love to watch you sleep, too. You make the sweetest little sounds, and sometimes you even smile and giggle while you are sleeping. Those moments are most precious to me- they make me laugh and cry at the same time. One day soon, you will start smiling and giggling while you are awake; and I'm so looking forward to that. I hope that life keeps you smiling always...

Like our other children, you are such a gift, sweet Sasha. You are a gift from God- our precious little angel. Your big sister Sophie Lu said something so true yesterday- she said, "Mama, my baby sister and I came from the same place... we both came from Heaven where God lives." She is so wise, and she will teach you so much one day. I never grew up with a sister, so it's extra special to me that you will. Sophie is very protective of you also. When we say goodbye in the mornings before she leaves for school, she always says, "Have fun today, Mama! I will miss you! Keep an eye on my baby sister for me!" So very very sweet...

Happy 4 weeks, my precious kitten! I love you...


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