Thursday, October 30, 2008

I'm SO behind!!!

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Sweet, silly Sophie Lu is always coming up with the craziest outfits! When she wears sunglasses, she calls herself "Movie-star Fi" (one of her nicknames is Fifi Lu) :)

I apologize to those whose answers I still need to respond to below (I promise I will this week)... I am SO behind on everything! Not just being busy with three kids now, but also we have just started a big construction project at our house and I've had to relocate my computers, etc. and have barely had any chance to get online. It's been crazy around here- lots of jack-hammering noises, etc... and I'm soooo tired! I haven't even gone through my Halloween photos yet! But I did manage to get a few of all three kids together, so that's good! We'll be relocating my computer to my new temporary room, so hopefully I'll be catching up with everything and everyone this week- :)

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