Saturday, January 10, 2009

Still loving that knee dimple...

Still loving that knee dimple...
Her little foot cracks me up... I feel like she should be balancing a ball on it- lol! Baby Sasha in all her glory at 4 1/2 months old... :)

Tummy Time
Three things Sasha doesn't like... tummy time, baths, and the carseat. All things most babies like, right? My girl just has to be different, I suppose... I did just order this cool new baby WashPod which will hopefully make bathtime more enjoyable for her.

LIttle Sweetie...
Sasha's skin in so soft, and she is so very cuddly. We've been having very very warm weather lately, so I've been taking advantage of it & getting some sweet little shots like these...

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My precious love...

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