Monday, January 19, 2009

Sophie's Version 2 & answers to questions...

Sophie's Version #2

Typing w/ 1 hand again (baby in the other), but here are some answers to recent questions (please remind me if I forgot one)...

* Still shooting w/ my Nikon D300 with all natural light... but I really would love to learn more about lighting since the winter doesn't provide much sunlight in our house...'

* For those who want advice/tips on shooting in manual... I pretty much always shoot in Aperture Mode since I don't have the time for manual right now & can't risk messing up many shots. Sasha has limited patience, Sophie Lu can only be bribed for so many minutes, and Ollie- well I think I need to find an invisible camera to photograph him these days.. :)

* Regarding my post dates... I do back date them (under "Post Options") because I am really that behind on blogging. I'm still trying to catch up & will probably be able to this week if I post a lot!

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