Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We're here, we're fine & exciting things are happening...

Kitty Boots

First of all, my apologies for being away with no explanation for so long... I've been soooo busy (I haven't even approved comments until today)... lots of exciting things going on! For one, Sophie Lu graduated from Pre-K! It was a huge ordeal (so funny)... pics & video to come soon! Second, I just released a set of fine art textures for photographers, and I've been working really hard for the past month putting everything together. I'm happy to say that the launch was very successful, and I've received the most wonderful feedback from the most talented artists/photographers (people I admire greatly)! I've also been contacted with offers from several publishing companies who are interested in my floral images for greeting cards, canvases, and prints to be distributed in Europe and the U.S. :) My website is here: Florabella Collection, and here are a couple of sites that have featured my floral work recently: Decor8 and Secrets of a Butterfly. If anyone is interested, Secrets of a Butterfly is sponsering a giveaway (free Florabella Textures) right now... all you have to do to enter is leave a comment here. :)

Anyway, that's why I've been so busy and have been neglecting my blogs. I really need to get caught up & I feel so bad for not being active in blogland... So please know that we are all well (and don't feel obligated to comment). Thanks so much for your concern... lots of catching up photos & videos coming soon (I promise)! ♥

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