Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sasha (2 weeks & chubby cheeks)!

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1 I love Sasha's pose in this photo! She's so sweet- I just can't get enough of her!

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2 (click to see other versions on Flickr)

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3 Look at those cheeks!!!

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4 I originally passed this photo by, but after changing it to b/w- I think it might just be my favorite so far...

I took these photos of Sasha when she was just 12 days old! She is still doing great and at her 12 day checkup, she weighed in at 9 lbs 8 oz!!! She gained an entire p0und in one week!

I am healing more with each day, but still pretty sore... Sophie Lu is feeling better, but Ollie is still sick- so there may be some Sophie & Sasha sister pics coming soon, but I'll have to wait to get some family shots...

Thanks again to everyone for all of your sweet comments about Sasha! I'm just so in love with her!!!

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