Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My Kitten in her Mittens, Kitty Watching Over, & Sasha Meets her Grandparents!

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My Kitten in her mittens! Sasha wears the tiniest pairs of soft cotton mittens to keep her from scratching herself, and I think she looks so adorable in them! (and I love her little pose here too) :)

Baby Pumpkin watching over who he thinks is his kitten! Cats are so amazing!

Grandpa Elliot came to meet his newest grand-daughter the day she came home from the hospital! Of course, Sophie Lu just had to get in for the photo! :)

Grandma Rae came to visit for a few days- here she is with Sasha at just one week old!

Grandma Loretta (and Grandpa Felix) also came to meet their newest grand-daughter (Sasha is their 12th grand-child)! Sasha was two weeks old here...

Baby Sasha sleeps with her hands straight up like this- as if she is surrendering or something... I think it's soooo cute!

Last, but not least, I want to thank everyone who sent flowers, mailed cards, and brought gifts! They all meant so much to me, but nothing helped with my healing quite like this beautiful cookie bouquet from my friend Ashley & daughter Madeline! I think Sophie and I devoured these yummy cookies within 24 hours! Yum! :)

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