Saturday, September 13, 2008

Open your eyes, litle princess (Sasha- one week old)

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My sweet Sasha,

You are one week old now and growing more beautiful every day. It's hard to look at you without swelling my eyes with tears- you are so amazing, my tiny, precious miracle. I can't describe how very much I love you...

I just love these photos of you with your eyes open. You have the most beautiful deep dark blue eyes I've ever seen. I get lost looking into them, and my heart melts when I see that you are looking into mine.

At one week old, you are still such a sleepy baby girl- you sleep most of the day and night. And when you are awake, you just want me to snuggle and nurse you- and then you drift right back into sleep. I look at you and wonder what you are dreaming about, and I pray that I am taking good care of you and making you happy. I can't wait until your first smile~

You are such a sweet little baby. You are so quiet and peaceful and delicate. I am so lucky to be your Mommy- so lucky that once again, angels were watching over me, and God sent me yet another perfect gift- the child who was meant for me, who fills my heart, and who gives my life new meaning.

Happy one week together, my sweet Sasha Lili.

Love forever,

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