Thursday, November 5, 2009

Florabella Actions & Facebook Fanpage Contest!

I have been away working so hard for the release of all three sets of Florabella Actions: Vintage, Color & Haze, and B&W.... They will be available this Tuesday, November 10th! I'll be posting a gallery of photos for each set on and before/after slideshows here on the blog.

And I finally joined Facebook (finally!)... so please become a "fan". I will randomly choosing a fan who will win all three actions sets. I will announce the winner on Tuesday!

Become a Fan... Florabella Facebook Fanpage :)


  1. I am definately a fan. Your textures have so beautified my pictues.

  2. i have never seen such beautiful textures as what you've created. i purchased my first set but have yet to learn how to use them....hopefully my computer whiz teenager can help me soon!

  3. So excited! Can't wait to see how they look.

  4. I am so exited about these! Your textures did not disapoint, I can't wait:)

  5. OH good! I finally figured out textures! After that ordeal...actions will be a breeze!
