Monday, November 16, 2009

Blogger Block (a note to myself) :)


I'm writing this just hoping it will help me get past my "Blogger Block"... I just feel so behind that everytime I think of blogging, I get too overwhelmed and can't do it! It's like I just want to avoid it and keep putting it off and off.... So instead of worrying about catching up and filling in all the blanks, I'm just going to try to post one thing, ANY thing on one or all of the kids blogs everyday for a week. A wise friend (Kim from 3Peanuts) always tells me it takes 7 days of doing something to make it a habit. :)

So this is my post for today...

Also, I'm going to try really hard to post more snapshots... things I want to remember.... without worrying about editing them, etc. I'll post the pretty photos I take too, but I have so many that just make me smile (whether they're great quality or not). And those are the photos that will make my kids smile too. I started these blogs because I don't keep photo albums and because I want my kids to have their childhoods documented. I want them to know how much I have always loved them. I want them to see just how adorable, funny & sweet they have always been.

Oh I feel better already! I think this helped me get past my block. So the next few posts may be out of order, etc. but at least I'll be posting again. Yay! :) Oh, and I just posted details on Sasha's blog, but check us out on this bottle of wine being sold to benefit breast cancer!

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