Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sophie Lu's Baptism!



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"I Baptize you in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit..." And two seconds later, Sophie Lu proudly proclaimed... "That wasn't so bad after all!" The whole church laughed... :)

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Here we are with our wonderful friends Steve and Teri who graciously agreed to be the kids' Godparents! They love our kids very much (and Teri spoils them like crazy), and Sophie, Ollie, and Sasha absolutely adore their Aunt Teri and Uncle Steve! The baptism ceremony was very beautiful, and it was extra special because they were all baptized on the same day!

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Here we are with my Dad (aka Pappy / Grandpa Elliot) who lives close and was able to attend. Thank goodness he did, or we would have no photos! We all love you, Pappy! :)

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And here we are with our beautiful babies... they came to us in different ways, but as Sophie always says, they all came from God. They are children of God- true miracles, and we are so very lucky they are also ours. :)

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