Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sasha's 2 month check-up (& more photos)

Sasha Lili, 2 months old!
My sweetie girl is already 2 months old! Where does the time go? She had her 2 month check-up today, and all is well! She weighs 12.4 pounds (so she's gained 4 pounds since birth!), and she is 23 inches long. She is 90th percentile in weight and 75th in length. She's a big, healthy girl!

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"I'm gonna knock you out!" lol... This one is so cute- I love the way she is always clenching her fists!

I love the way she always wants to bend her knees and put her feet up when she lays on her back...

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Oh, and I loooove her big pumpkin-girl smile and the way her tongue curls when she smiles this big! She's such a happy girl!

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Though it's hard to tell in photos, Sasha scrunches her nose when she smiles, just like I did when I was a baby! Also, she squints her one eye- just like her Mommy! :)

Happy two months together, little love! Mommy loves you so much! xoxo

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