Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sophie Lu's Baptism!



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"I Baptize you in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit..." And two seconds later, Sophie Lu proudly proclaimed... "That wasn't so bad after all!" The whole church laughed... :)

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Here we are with our wonderful friends Steve and Teri who graciously agreed to be the kids' Godparents! They love our kids very much (and Teri spoils them like crazy), and Sophie, Ollie, and Sasha absolutely adore their Aunt Teri and Uncle Steve! The baptism ceremony was very beautiful, and it was extra special because they were all baptized on the same day!

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Here we are with my Dad (aka Pappy / Grandpa Elliot) who lives close and was able to attend. Thank goodness he did, or we would have no photos! We all love you, Pappy! :)

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And here we are with our beautiful babies... they came to us in different ways, but as Sophie always says, they all came from God. They are children of God- true miracles, and we are so very lucky they are also ours. :)

Sasha's Baptism!

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Sister Teresita was so sweet to come witness our childrens' baptism ceremonies! Having all three kids baptized at the same time made the experience all the more special!

And Deacon Richard was wonderful! We couldn't have asked for more a more beautiful special day! More photos to come on Sophie's & Ollie's blogs!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sophie's Christmas Songs, 2008!

Here's Sophie Lu practicing for her pre-school's Holiday show (she's so funny)! I was actually able to catch all three kids in the same screen at the very end, too! We had just put the lights on our Christmas tree, but hadn't yet decorated... still Sophie Lu just had to perform her songs on her new "stage" aka in front of the tree! :)

Tiger Eyes

Tiger Eyes...
Click on photo to see other photos from this series...

I didn't plan these photos... Sophie Lu (the fashionista she is-lol) chose this hat to go with her Ariel bikini (which looks like a Wonder Woman costume) and her pink patent leather kitty rainboots one recent hot day to go out in the yard for some water fun. When she was done playing, she took off her bathing suit and sat on a porch chair to dry off. There happened to be a black blanket draped over the chair from some photos I took of baby Sasha- and voila. I was so happy with these photos because for the first time I was able to really capture the catchlights in Sophie's beautiful eyes. (to see the other photos, click the photo above)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mommy & Baby Sasha at 10 weeks old...

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I'm trying to experiment with textures in hopes of getting an antique/vintage look... These textures are courtesy of NinianLif on Flickr. :)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

All three!

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Ollie, Sophie Lu, & Sasha Lili- more on Sasha's blog...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sasha Lili- 10 weeks old (girl of a million smiles)!

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My sweet kitten at 10 weeks old! She is such a little beauty- I could just look at her all day (wait, I do!) In fact, we all do! She is our little gift! This is one of my favorite photos of her to date. She has so many little facial expressions, and I just love this one!

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Look at those toes! I love it when she does this!

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

All three!!! (taken last month)

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Unplanned, and so sweet... all three of my sweeties!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sasha's 2 month check-up (& more photos)

Sasha Lili, 2 months old!
My sweetie girl is already 2 months old! Where does the time go? She had her 2 month check-up today, and all is well! She weighs 12.4 pounds (so she's gained 4 pounds since birth!), and she is 23 inches long. She is 90th percentile in weight and 75th in length. She's a big, healthy girl!

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"I'm gonna knock you out!" lol... This one is so cute- I love the way she is always clenching her fists!

I love the way she always wants to bend her knees and put her feet up when she lays on her back...

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Oh, and I loooove her big pumpkin-girl smile and the way her tongue curls when she smiles this big! She's such a happy girl!

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Though it's hard to tell in photos, Sasha scrunches her nose when she smiles, just like I did when I was a baby! Also, she squints her one eye- just like her Mommy! :)

Happy two months together, little love! Mommy loves you so much! xoxo

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sasha Lili- 9 weeks!

Sasha- 9 weeks (crop 2)
My sweet baby girl at 9 weeks old! I love this photo so much! It's neat how you can see what she sees (me taking her photo) in her eyes... click the photo to see larger versions.

Sasha- 9 weeks (crop 1)
Here is a little larger crop...

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This is the original photo (of the above two crops). It's so amazing how cropping changes an image...

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This pose cracks me up!

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Love her little brow in this one...

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I realized that this was the first time Sasha wore a dress and hairbow! There will be more to come since I went crazy and bought too many size "Newborn" dresses (what was I thinking?)...

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I took the photos of us together w/ my new remote cable. It's better than the self-timer, but I'm still not happy with any of these. Unfortunately, it's all I have (Michael is not a very patient photographer... lol) :)

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A kiss for my sweetie girl (one of the many nicknames I have for her). I love her so very much!