Monday, January 4, 2010

Florabella Giveaway Today at The Savvy Photographer!

There is a Florabella giveaway at The Savvy Photographer today (one day only)!!! Just leave a comment at Savvy today, and you could win all three Florabella Actions Sets: Vintage, Color & Haze, and B&W plus Florabella Fine Art Textures Set I. (and if you already have Textures Set I, you can choose a gift certificate for Textures Set II which will be available next week)! The Savvy Photographer is a fabulous blog... if you don't follow already, you really must- you will love it!!


  1. omg!! i would love to win anything from yOU! hehe! :) Love your work. I follow on flikr and Red bubble. : ) Love your Florabella textures. :) I Hope to win!

  2. Your actions and textures are to "drool" for! :)
    It would certainly be a fabulous start to my year if I were to win.
    Thank you for the chance and I'll check out The Savvy Photographer...always in need of inspiration.

  3. would love the textures. Great giveaway :)

  4. oh i would be in heaven to win. pure heaven :O)

  5. This is nice of you to do. Thanks. Would be elated to win!

  6. I was so thrilled when I saw their blog! How generous of you! If I don't win, I will just get it from you directly! Awesome actions set!

  7. Thank-you for the chance to win these wonderful actions and textures. This would be a great start to the 2010!

  8. What a great giveaway. I love the florabella actions. They are so beautiful. Thanks for the opportunity. :)

  9. Shana, I won - thank you so much for such a generous prize - I am so thrilled! I do already have the first set fo textures so would love the voucher for the second set - thank you once again, Kirsty x

  10. it's my birthday week, and everything is going my way! i know it simply must be me! i can feel it in my bones...

  11. Ohhhh I'am sad because it's too late probably but I would like to say you I love your work !!!

    The next month, I will buy your actions because I love them !!

    Have a nice day !!

    Hugs from Paris (france)

  12. Good Morning!
    I am a middle aged "farm" woman who loves to take pictures of cows. I am feeling fairly confident that your actions would swoon the bovine population here in northern CA.
    Have a fabulous day.

  13. Love this and have always wanted to try it!

  14. I am a new photographer and have PSE-7...I am looking for new actions as I learn my way through photoshop. I think these actions would be great for me. Thanks Edith

  15. I love actions! I would love to win yours!

  16. thank you for the chance!!! it will be pleasure to win :D

  17. Hi there! I know I'm a bit late for the giveaway - and that's fine - I just purchased them anyhow. I just wanted to thank you for the discount code and to tell you that I absolutely LOVE your website!Beautiful, beautiful, work.
    Thanks again!

  18. Ohhh me pleaseeee
    Im a huge fan of your stuff.. i have all the 3 actions and the texture I , need the II one hihihi

