Sunday, January 17, 2010

Florabella Actions Giveaway at The Maternal Lens!!!

There is a Florabella Actions Giveaway at The Maternal Lens right now! If you aren't already following The Maternal Lens, you really should... it's a fantastic photography blog full of inspiration, interviews, giveaways, great finds, and of course gorgeous photos!! The giveaway is for all three sets of actions: Vintage, Color & Haze, and B/W (ps or pse versions). The winner will be announced tomorrow night (Monday), so go check it out & enter now. And if you already own the actions, you can win them for a friend, do a giveaway on your own blog, or choose textures instead! ♥


  1. I came across your actions from an individual who uses them and posts their work on a site I also use. To say the least I was stunned and left in awe. A lot of work that I tend to do is often work with flowers, you're actions are something I have seriously been considering. They would be a crowning jewel to my work.

    I particularly love the vintage haze, as it lends such soft and dreamy qualities to the photographs that they are used on. Oft times it is a quality that I see in my creative crazy head that does not come off in the shot.

    If only my camera had such a sense and style as you! Course it would not need me then!

    Such wonderful work I am off to spread the word through my facebook to all the other photographers I know!

  2. Everything about your actions and textures make me sigh with happiness. And so distinctive; I love seeing them on other's shots - invariably I'll see the comment 'Florabella Action/Texture' after the shots I love the most.

  3. I just became a fan on FB of FloraBella. I am a first timers but your actions look yummy and also the textures...will definately be trying them out. Thanks so much!

  4. I don't think I could pick a favorite! I love them all. I am a 'old' FB fan from earlier this week.

  5. I love the vintage actions! Already a facebook fan~

  6. I love your actions! and your work! your pictures look like works of art rather than photos! i like the emotions in them!
    i've tried to post a comment earlier with no luck. I've never used actions before ( i'm PS user good few years! how come?:))

    Anna K

  7. Your actions are incredibly easy use and make the ordinary go to extraordinary with a click of the button.

  8. woooow your actions and texturen are stunning!!! i´m a FB-Fan!!! wooow

  9. After a lot of thought (because all your actions are amzing and beautiful) I decided my favorite is 'Retro Vintage'. I love the tones and I'm always drawn to photos like this texture.
    Susan Jenkins

  10. Love the retro vintage and color pop. Never used the actions before, but wow, they're awesome!! Will become a FB fan right now!

  11. I am a newbie to Florabella! I love the actions I've seen on the site! Oh, how I would love to play with all this goodness! I don't know if I can pick a favorite...they are all so beautiful! It would be a blessing & honor to work with any one of them! :-) I just became a FB fan today as well!

  12. I don't think I have a favorite. I love them all! They are all so beautiful!
    Rhiannon L

  13. Thanks Shana! I hope I win ;)

    xoxo Michele

  14. Absolutely beautiful! I love them all but the cosmo action is my favorite! Thank You for sharing your talent.

  15. wow! I love your actions and textures!!!! I am a huge fan of the blog The Maternal Lens and saw your actions on the post about the contest and fell in love with all of them!!! I am so excited to find actions that I think would mesh very well with my style and work!! I can't even decide which is my favorite but I think Cosmopolitan is it or maybe vintage summer! hmmm... they are all so yummy!!! I love the colors and the vintage feel and sweetness of them all!!!

  16. I keep coming across photos that I love and your textures or actions are always listed! I think the cosmopolitan is my favourite-it adds a touch of warmth and vibrance at the same time!
    Lisa Keyes

  17. I love the actions and textures.
    I love milk and honey plus ethereal.
    So dreamy and beautiful !
    Thanks for sharing how to combine actions plus textures to make a photo become a work of art.
    I have become a fan of both "Florabella" and "The Mother Lens" on facebook.
    Spreading the word will become easy!
    Cathy Picking on facebook your fan !

  18. I love all of your actions but I really enjoy the look and feel of the vintage summer action. The warm tones and golden hue are just lovely.

  19. I LOVE the vintage summer -- soft beautiful color
