When I asked Sophie Lu what she wanted for Christmas this year, she said, "I want to leave Christmas cookies for Santa, and I want to leave apples and carrots for the reindeer this time!" My Sophie is so sweet that way... rarely does she have a wishlist already thought out. So I asked her what gifts she wanted Santa to bring her. She responded, "Hmm.... maybe some stilts. Oh, and a Barbie who has a dress that turns into a cape... Olivia brought one like that to show and tell." So I handed her some catalogs & asked her to look for some other possibilities. After looking through all the catalogs, Sophie was so excited to finally announce that what she really wants for Christmas this year is a bow & arrow! Stilts & a bow & arrow?... she is so funny! After my surprised "A bow & arrow, Sophie, really?", she answered with great confidence, "Yes, Mommy... a real one. Big girls shoot real bow & arrows." (I should have known that!) ♥
(of course the bow & arrow kit in the Magic Cabin catalog isn't really real... but to her it will be. Now where can I find some stilts?) :)