Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Serious face...

serious face...

I love her little serious face (but not as much as I love her sweet smile)... Another example of Sasha's mirror-like eyes.

(almost caught up- a few Christmas photos and then some of my very favorite photos of her ever!) :)

Bubbles on her lips & me in her eyes...

Bubbles on her lips and me in her eyes

Sasha's eyes are so dark- they are like mirrors... If you look, you can see me w/ my camera, the ceiling of the covered porch, and the sky behind the arch...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Sasha Bear (3 1/2 months)

Baby Bear

Funny pouty face

Puppy smile

Still trying to get caught up... one blog at a time! One of my New Year's resolutions is to blog in real time (rather than being a month behind)... We'll see how I do. Of course, I have more to catch up on w/Sasha because she's my only willing model these days. Ollie isn't ready for bribes yet, and Sophie Lu will hardly take them any more! ;)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

My girl...

Happy girl!

My happy happy girl... I love her so much~

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Special Video to ALL (from the kids) :)

It's a little late, but here is a video Christmas card to all from Sophie Lu- including guest appearaces from Ollie & Sasha! I think this is the first video I have of them together (all awake)! And as usual, Ollie cracks me up!

A couple more (3 months)

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Monday, December 15, 2008

Ruby Dress (trying to get caught up)

Little Kitten Face
Little Kitten face! I know we've always called her "The Kitten", but she really does remind me of one at times! She makes kitten-like expressions and even kitten sounds! So sweet...

Sasha in Red
This is Sophie Lu's headband- I was surprised it fit!

Uh Oh!

Looks like she's saying "Uh-oh!" I wish I had gotten more of he face in this shot- I love her little mouth! :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

More 3 Months...

Sasha 3 months
Sasha has so many little facial expressions- but this is one of my favorites... such a sweet little face. I can never get enough!

Sasha Smile!
And of course, I loooove this one too! Sasha has so many smiles, and I love them all! So cute the way she scrunches her nose- just like I do! :)

Sasha- 3 months

Sasha is doing so well... she is such a happy baby girl! And she makes all of us so happy too. She really does complete our family in the most perfect way. More photos & updates to come soon- I need to get caught up!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Looking back at 2008...

Looking back at 2008...

It was a great year... the year my tiniest princess was born. My precious girl (3 months old here) is such a gift. Thank you God... for blessing me with my loving family~

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Girl in her Pearls! (3 months old)

Sasha's Christmas card photo
I love how these came out... Sasha reminds me so much of my Grandma Lee in these photos. Just something about her... How I wish both my darling grandmothers could meet her-

Tough girl in her pearls...
I call this one Tough Girl in her Pearls- lol :)

Pearls and bows

Smiley Pearl Girl
My precious smiley pearl girl... I love her so.
(click any photo for texture credits)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

At the Christmas Tree Lot

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Once again, Sophie Lu picked out the perfect Christmas tree!

Sasha & Mommy at the Christmas Tree Lot

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Here it is... Sasha's very 1st Christmas Tree (chosen by her big sister Sophie Lu)! I think it's perfect!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Three Months Old!

In her Lamby Gown

Dear Sasha Lili,

Today, you are three months old! I can hardly believe how quickly time is passing...

I love this picture of you... you are wearing my favorite sleeping gown. I love the little lamb because she reminds me of you... so sweet and pretty and soft. And you are also wearing the little white knit hat that I love you in so much. You are almost too big for it now, but I will keep it for you so you can see how tiny you once were. And just look at your smile! You are such a happy happy baby girl- always smiling and giggling... you just melt my heart. And your eyes- your big dark blue eyes are so very beautiful- they take my breath away. You take my breath away...

I remember after Sophie Lu came home, I would say that my heart was full. And it really was full. It's amazing how a heart can grow, though. Because mine has tripled in size since then, and sometimes I am overwhelmed with how much love I can feel...

I love you so much, my sweet sweet girl. Happy three months together!


Sasha- 3 months old

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fluffy White Coat & Shiny Red Shoes (insert British accent)!

Fluffy White Coat & Shiny Red Shoes

My Sophie Lu is obsessed with this British cartoon called "Charlie & Lola"... she loves it so much that she often speaks with a British accent and has to have everything that Lola and Lotta have. Here is Sophie modeling her "fluffy white coat and shiny red shoes" Lola style! Unfortunately, the photo looked awful in color, so I made the conversion and added a vintage-like texture. Sophie really cracks me up when she calls me "Mum" and ever so politely asks me for a glass of pink milk (Lola's drink of choice)... :)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sophie Lu's Baptism!



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"I Baptize you in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit..." And two seconds later, Sophie Lu proudly proclaimed... "That wasn't so bad after all!" The whole church laughed... :)

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Here we are with our wonderful friends Steve and Teri who graciously agreed to be the kids' Godparents! They love our kids very much (and Teri spoils them like crazy), and Sophie, Ollie, and Sasha absolutely adore their Aunt Teri and Uncle Steve! The baptism ceremony was very beautiful, and it was extra special because they were all baptized on the same day!

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Here we are with my Dad (aka Pappy / Grandpa Elliot) who lives close and was able to attend. Thank goodness he did, or we would have no photos! We all love you, Pappy! :)

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And here we are with our beautiful babies... they came to us in different ways, but as Sophie always says, they all came from God. They are children of God- true miracles, and we are so very lucky they are also ours. :)

Sasha's Baptism!

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Sister Teresita was so sweet to come witness our childrens' baptism ceremonies! Having all three kids baptized at the same time made the experience all the more special!

And Deacon Richard was wonderful! We couldn't have asked for more a more beautiful special day! More photos to come on Sophie's & Ollie's blogs!