Saturday, December 6, 2008

Three Months Old!

In her Lamby Gown

Dear Sasha Lili,

Today, you are three months old! I can hardly believe how quickly time is passing...

I love this picture of you... you are wearing my favorite sleeping gown. I love the little lamb because she reminds me of you... so sweet and pretty and soft. And you are also wearing the little white knit hat that I love you in so much. You are almost too big for it now, but I will keep it for you so you can see how tiny you once were. And just look at your smile! You are such a happy happy baby girl- always smiling and giggling... you just melt my heart. And your eyes- your big dark blue eyes are so very beautiful- they take my breath away. You take my breath away...

I remember after Sophie Lu came home, I would say that my heart was full. And it really was full. It's amazing how a heart can grow, though. Because mine has tripled in size since then, and sometimes I am overwhelmed with how much love I can feel...

I love you so much, my sweet sweet girl. Happy three months together!


Sasha- 3 months old

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