Thursday, December 10, 2009

Giveaway Winners & Congrats Mikabeth!

Wow, what a response! With almost 200 comments, I decided to choose three winners rather than one! So I used to choose the winner and then added the two comments next to it... Congrats Kate, Amy, & Kristi (click the image to the right to see the winners)! Please email me at to let me know if you prefer the textures or the actions!

A big congrats to Mikabeth Edwards who is now one of the 4 finalists in the Matilda Jane PhotoLove contest (thanks to everyone who voted)! Now the company will choose the final winner... good luck Mikabeth!!

Also, thank you to everyone for your kind words... they mean so much! ♥ The new texture set will be out next month just in time for me to be the Guest Photographer Judge on I♥Faces! (So excited for this- it should be lots of fun!)... :)


  1. wow,lucky guy,congratulations.
    i really love your actions and textures...

  2. Congrats winners! Totally jealous! ;)

  3. Congrats to the winners! Bummed that I missed out on this contest! Maybe next time? ;-)

  4. oh my, just purchased the actions. I'm in love. Best actions I have purchased in a looonnngggg time. THANKS!!!

  5. really love your actions and textures...

    Work from home India

  6. Congrats!! So lucky!! Since I didn't win, I will just go ahead and buy them... :D
