Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sophie Lu's Pre-K Graduation!!!

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Sophie Lu's official graduation portrait! I just can't believe my baby is graduating from Pre-K already!

She was so excited! (I got the honor of pinning on her graduation cap!)

And I was so proud (and yes, very emotional!)

Here we are with our soon-t0-be beautiful little graduate!!! (We only got two reserved seats, plus Ollie would have never lasted the almost 2 hour ceremony!)

There's our girl!!! She always finds us in the crowd, waves, and gives us the thumbs up (with a wink too!)... All the kids did such a fantastic job! They recited verses and sang three songs (including "Proud to be an American" which had all the parents in tears- especially me & Michael because it's extra special to hear Sophie Lu sing those words). ♥

Then the kids had to wait oh so patiently during all the speeches... Is this hysterical or what?

And her face got even scrunchier!!! We were all laughing so hard at this!

Finally the big moment!

Happy Graduation, Sophie Lu! I love the way she sticks her tongue out like this when she gets really excited!

And here she is... Graduate Sophie Lu!!!! She's such a big girl now!!!

And of course, Daddy brought her flowers!

And Baby Sasha tried to take them... :) We had such a special day. We love you and are so very proud of you Sophie Lu... many many happy graduations to come, sweetheart!!! ♥

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