Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sasha's 1st Easter

First Easter :)
My little sweetie girl in her 1st Easter Dress... I tried so hard to get a shot of all three, but they would not cooperate! :)

Her first bunny...

Easter Smiles :)

Easter smiles! :)

Itsy Bitsy Spider (in Spanish)

Pearls are pretty, but toes are yummy! :)

Who says a girl in pearls can't eat her toes?

I'm soooo behind still- ahhh! Okay, I'm promising myself that I'll post once a day for the next three days to catch up!!! And I'll be posting a letter I'm writing to Sasha since she's 8 months old now! :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Holding up her fluff

Holding up her fluff....

(Taken a while ago)... I'm busy going through my recent Sophie Lu videos & notes for the next few posts :)



Enough said... :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Her Beautiful Face...

The Secret

always takes my breath away... This is part of the series that I took back in February. Unfortunately, she doesn't enjoy our photo shoots so much anymore & even turns away when I try to get candids. This makes me sad because I want to have photos of her at every age & of all the cute/sweet/funny things she does. But I know I need to respect her wishes, and I will. I will be posting some photos from Easter & a few others I've taken, and I'm going to start writing more- she says so many funny things... Oh, and she'll let me take video- so I can post little videos too. She does, however, want me to come to her school and take a photo of her with her "fiance" Eddie... lol (more on that to come)! :)

Monday, April 13, 2009

So sorry :)


So sorry that I've been such an awful blogger (for a long time now).... I've received several comments/emails from people who had a bad feeling or were worried or thought something was wrong. My Grandpa George did pass away early last week, and my Grandpa Orville (the one I made the video for) is in the hospital and not doing very well- so there has been sadness. But all in all, everyone here is fine... just super busy. :)

I have also been spending most of my spare time on my photography hobby which has grown into much more than I ever thought it would. I've been very active on Flickr- almost consistently posting one photo a day there. So I've gotten more behind than ever on my blogs. I have folders of photos ready to post- I just seem to be so forgetful these days! I think they call that "Mommy Brain"?

Anyway, I've been having lots of fun with my new found love- photographing much more than the kids these days. Lots of flowers and still life- and then artistic touches in Photoshop. I find flowers to be much more cooperative than my kids! I have an online gallery set up for my art now and have even made a few sales (the biggest ones from my sweet husband-lol). Here are a couple of my recent pieces, and the rest can be found on my Flickr stream. :)

Spring Pastels

Popcorn Roses II


This hobby has been really great for my frame of mind and attitude... it's kind of therapeutic actually! And it's extra fun because some of my friends (Kim from 3 Peanuts in particular) are into photography as well.... Kim and I talk more than ever now, and I love that (she's so special to me & her talents are endless)!

Anyway, all three kids are doing great! Sophie is turning FIVE next month!!! Ollie is starting to communicate more, and Sasha Lili is as sweet and happy as ever! :)

I am promising myself right now to get all caught up & start posting more regularly... I want to get back to writing more & documenting my kids' lives & all the sweet little things they do! Thanks again to those who were concerned.